11:29:47 From Doris Arzoumanian : My connection is unstable, so I write here my question to Fabien: 11:30:00 From Doris Arzoumanian : Thanks for this very nice presentation. You mentioned that the cloud-coud collision scenario is proper to the HMSF case and not the LMSF. Can you repeat again on which basis you arrived to this conclusion? 11:30:25 From Doris Arzoumanian : I was part of a recent work done by Sylvain Bontemps and Lars Bonne showing that the Musca cloud and the Chameleon LMSF clouds are located at the intersection of large scale colliding HI clouds. Can you comment on this? 11:35:20 From Doris Arzoumanian : Thank you ! 11:38:34 From Samuel Boissier : thanks 11:38:37 From Annie Zavagno : Merci beaucoup